Hi everyone! I'm headed off to Uganda in a few months. Up until that point, the team and I will continue to meet, train and prepare for all which lies ahead.
Here's my support letter if you'd like to take a look-see. If you have any questions even after reading it, please let me know. I'd love to talk with you about the trip!:
Dear friends and family,
I hope this finds you well. This has been a year of many transitions, and through them all I’m continually being impressed with the importance of experiencing the breadth of life and culture around me, acknowledging the needs of a very diverse world around me, and intentionally finding ways to serve in these various environments.
When I first started going to ROCKHARBOR Church five years ago, I found myself deeply affected by a video clip that had been made after a team went to Uganda. I realized how there is need for help and restorative action in such a war-scarred country. In a place whose national past time is war, many families can’t remember what life was like before war. The conflict began in 1987 when a rebel army, known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), began fighting the Ugandan government. As the LRA lost soldiers to battle, they soon resorted to abducting children and training them as soldiers. Fearing abduction, many children fled their homes nightly. The children who ran from their homes walked miles to find shelter in hospitals, bus parks, virtually anywhere away from rebel camps. Recently, some families are fortunate enough to find refuge in government sponsored displacement camps.
Partnering with Africa Renewal Ministires for the fifth year (www.africarenewal.org ), ROCKHARBOR is sending another team this December to Gulu, Uganda. After much prayer, a long application and interview process, God has opened the doors for me to serve in this capacity. We will be leaving December 27th and staying there for two weeks. While in Uganda we will be doing hut-to-hut outreach, medical work in villages, praying with people in prisons, hospitals, and the community. Also, we will be given opportunities to work with Gulu Bible Community Church. My heart is that we would continue to learn to love more fully through this trip.
I have written this letter because I want you to be informed. Most importantly, I have also written that you might support me as well as the team through prayer. Please pray for the following:
• Strength for the team as we prepare & while we are there
• Team unity
• Flexibility and patience as we serve
• Outreach events
• Teaching the Word of God with boldness
• That we would have humble hearts and pray boldly to see the healing power of God
• For the hearts of those we will come into contact with
• Participation with Gulu Bible Community Church
I have committed to raise $4,000. If you would like to make a donation to my trip, please make a donation payable to ROCKHARBOR Church. Please do not write my name or the country anywhere on the check. You may use the included return envelope, which is already addressed and indicates that the donation is for my trip. If using your own envelope, please mail to ROCKHARBOR Church, attn: Uganda/Elizabeth Pham. 3080 Airway Ave. Suite 100, Costa Mesa, CA 92628. Please note that donations are tax deductible and are non refundable. All donations will go towards the overall cost of the trip; any excess funds will first help cover the team’s costs and secondly will be gifted to the ministry we are going to serve.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter and for partnering with me in this opportunity. I look forward to seeing how God moves during this trip and am excited to share with you when I get back!
You are doing a great thing God bless
Pete, thanks. Your encouragement demonstrates the beauty in the Unity of the Body.
praying for you! :)
That's great Liz. i'm so happy and excited for you and all those you will touch. You have an amazing connection to God that is felt just by being around you and for that reason and many others I am so happy my best friend shares her home with you...May God Bless you and all around you on your trip and on your travels to and from. May the power to heal and bring hope to a desperate situation be written in the fabric of your soul and be evident to all you touch...AMEN. Good Luck and God Bless!
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