Friday, February 4, 2011

Becoming the Robies

So my wonderful Dave wanted to gift me with a quick weekend trip to New York for Christmas this past December because our friends Michelle and Ryan were going and wanted another couple to tag along. Well in tagging along, Michelle introduced me to her long time friend, Nicole and her new fiance Ben.

They're a pair who march to the beat of their own drum and are completely in love with each other and with Jesus. Though they're planning a daunting wedding (w/ the guest list at 1000+), they're easy going, and we had so much fun getting to know them while exploring NYC in the wintertime. While we were out there, we had some time to spare, so I took a few picture for them in Central Park. Unbeknownst to me, Nicole actually decided to use one of the shots for their Save the Date! So fun. I'm so glad I was able to capture you two in your element.

If you go to one of my older posts [here], you can see some more of the pictures I got of Ben and Nicole that day. 

Happy wedding planning, you two! :)

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