Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Jaunt Down Memory Lane

Gosh, let's see. We've been through various haircuts, hair colors, relationships: giddiness/ heartaches/ learning experiences, encounters with strange people that have made for good stories, tears, countless cups of coffee, confrontation, kitchen-counter conversations, clothes-borrowing, strange-habit experiencing, prayer, laughter, meals, jokes only roommates can be open with, and memories that will continue to pop up and surprise us for the rest of our lives (and we'll remember them at the strangest, most wonderful times :D). The most humbling part of roomie-hood for me is experiencing growth with each other. Each of my roommates has been nothing short of a gift--teaching me more of myself, more of them, more of God, ultimately more of what it means to be in community as His Body. Girls (women, really) , you have refined me, and I'm so grateful that you are a part of the genius orchestration of His that allowed/allows us to live life with each other. 

Here's but a glimpse of what sharing living spaces/life has looked like in the past year plus some:

The pictures will do most of the talking; I'll just be the provider of needed context.

August 2008 (First Roomie Picture-Train trip to LA)

December 2008: Kelly @ the Dresden

December 2009: Walk in Long Beach
(Amber, we already know what you're thinking!!!)

December 2008: DT Long Beach Roomie Day

New Year's 2009:Orange, CA

Wes' Birthday

January 2009: Bike Riding Downtown Long Beach

(quite literally picking me up while I was down)

March 2009: My birthday
(An attempt at a totem pole--sort of successful)

July 2009: Ray LaMontagne in LA

October 2009: Amber's Birthday

November 2009: Roomie Dinner

I can't believe how time flies. Those were only some of the pictures we've taken over the time we've known each other. There will be more taken :). Thanks for marking a really special season of my life, girls. It seriously would have been utterly different without the specific combination of both of you. I'm proud and blessed to know women of your caliber. You are full of love and grace, and your hearts are bigger than what you know to do with. I'm not trying to toot your horns, I'm just sayin' it like it is. 

Transitions are bittersweet, but they are exciting. I look forward to seeing what this next season holds for us. 


nitnat said...

Happy happy tears have just been shed. I love you and I know that God placed you in my life for so many specific reasons. You are a gift, a breath of fresh air, and you shine so brightly for Jesus that it can't help but re-light those around you. Thank you for every word of encouragement, wisdom, and loving instruction. The impact your friendship has had on so many aspects of who I am becoming is huge and God spoke so clearly through you in the past year. Thank you for being faithful to speak those words to me. Thank you for being so quirky and weird which allowed me to embrace my weirdness. Thank you for thinking that farts are hilarious and allowing me to be free haha. Thank you for every kind, thoughtful thing you do that you may think goes unnoticed. Thank you for loving and appreciating good baking... your the kind of person i love to bake things for (and will continue to). I am so blessed and I am excited to see what God has in store for all of us. I am thankful that this friendship can continue to grow. I love you!

Brandon Michael Stiver said...

Dang. You made me feel nostalgic and I don't even know your roommates. I feel you though. I had the same two roommates for three years and we disbanded in May and life has become that much more strange.

Rosina said...

Liz..looking at those pictures brought back my own memories with my best friends..since high school. You girls look so lively, happy, content, full of promise..and I pray that God will continue to guide you all with many, many more years to you may be there for each other's weddings, baby showers, etc.
