Friday, April 29, 2011

Pointed hat. Poignant Words. Point, for the Archbishop.

I can't wait to see it!
We're camping out!
I couldn't care less about it!
Am I the only who doesn't care about this royal wedding?
I can't wait to see what Catherine's going to wear!
No, Prince Will, it should have been me! 
Are you serious? I have better things to do than watch this.

Wherever you stand on the issue, there's no denying that the Royal Wedding caused quite the commotion. Did I stay up into the wee hours to watch it? Nope. Do I have an opinion about people who did stay up to watch it? No, not really. Do I have an opinion about people who thought it was a complete waste of time? Meh, I guess not. 

What I do have to say is this: My interest wasn't piqued because millions of people were watching, because the whole of a country deemed it a national holiday, or because the Prince was marrying a commoner. My interest was piqued because I heard a news anchorman say, "I can't believe how spiritual the ceremony was. It was rather surprising. Maybe it's because Europe has been in some challenging times lately."

Right after those words were uttered, he continued to talk about how the Archbishop of Canterbury had said something along the lines of all weddings being royal because all men and women are children of the Creator [King]. My jaw dropped. I think it's because I don't often hear profound things said on the news. Not only that, the whole sermon the bishop shared for their wedding was apparently an incredibly one (I'm taking the word of credible sources on that one for the time being). For such a broadcasted event, I can't help but think how amazing it is that so many people got to hear that message. Some may call it such a "spiritual" ceremony, but I think it really boils down to the bishop truthin' it up. A historical event threaded with powerful words of truth is something we don't come by too often anymore--especially when it comes to marriage and covenant. 

I don't know the now Duke or Duchess, but I do hope and pray that those words ring true in the depths of their hearts. What an example that would be for the rest of their country, and in many ways, the rest of the world because there will be echoes of this event in days and years to come. 

Thank you, Archbishop. Really, my hats off to you. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chew On It!








"Whoa!" is right!

A Series of Sweet Surprises

Spring break.
Sweet friends.
Summery-weather in the springtime.
Sand between my toes.
Sassy, silly little girls.

A series of sweet surprises, indeed. I'm on my final spring break as a student for a while. Although I still have work, i'm doing what I can to make it feel as "spring breaky" as possible. Long Beach is a great place to be for such an occasion.

[An aside: This is my sixth year in Long Beach, and it's a place that has earned a sweet, sweet spot in my heart. I love the character, I love the people, I love the memories that I've made here. Some things have come to an end, and many things have been birthed here. Today was just a reminder of all of those things.Cheers to you, Long Beach. Thank you for being a momentous memory bank for me.]

In the midst of running around, laughing, watching kids lose themselves in their land of play and swim in mud-like sand, I found myself so, so thankful for the sweet life that I'm getting to take a part of right now. 

Here are some pictures of my friend Katy's kiddos. Friends clad in bathing suits and spending time together during the springtime made for a great environment in which to snap some shots of these sweet girls (who are growing up way too fast!). They are such reminders of what it means to be beautiful and free: 

 [The picture below CRACKS me up--I just hear thumpin' runway music playing whenever I look at Soph struttin' her stuff!]

A no-complaints Wednesday. I hope yours was just as great :).

Friday, April 1, 2011

Caley and Jordan

Six years ago, Caley met Jordan at friend's birthday party where he was DJing up a storm. Apparently Jordan wasn't just smooth with the beats because they have been together ever since. With that being said, they're making it official this coming August!

Caley's sense of humor and Jordan's cool-as-a-cucumber attitude made them a joy to work with. It's undeniable that they love each other, love laughing with each other, and have an ease with each other that's contagious. 

Here's to the future Mr. and Mrs.
[Can we say future cute kiddos??]:

Just in case you're wondering, 
those are Caley's Jimmy Choo's that are making 
a peek-a-boo appearance :)

 This might be one of my favorites of them:

 No, I didn't tell them to pretend to play tic-tac-toe.
 It was totally their idea :). 
Oh, and I think Caley let Jordan win.

Thanks again, you two, for letting me take your pictures. I can't wait 'til August! 


We were roomies. Now we're neighbors. And for the last few years, we've both gotten to share some significant life stages with each other. I love this woman, and we thought that her soon-coming graduation made for a good excuse to go to take some pictures (and to hang out!).

She exudes a life of love and has a smile to die for, and i'm certain those are evident in the pictures you're about to see: